At this point I am not sure which horse is the more disgusting one, Pangea or Bay Girl. These girls LIVE to waller in their own filth. They could go head to head in a mud wrestling competition and I'm not sure who would win. If there is moisture in the air or on the ground or in the dirt, they are there in a heartbeat and grinding the mess into their hair.
Therefore, she got her first bath in FIVE MONTHS immediately following this. (There was literally no way to give her a bath with Elvis attached to her! Not my colt, not my place to risk taking him outside of his pasture!)
She was relatively well-behaved for it, sort of. She's a bit rusty when it comes to handling... there was a fair bit of wiggling and some screaming at first. She was not amused with having her face washed either, so I got the worst of it off and left it on a positive note.

Happy girl was very pleased to be clean.
And now..... THE BEST NEWS. (I had to save it for last!) I called the ET facility again today after not hearing back from them after I left my last message. (I figured a bit of harassment couldn't hurt.) I told them it was weaning time, and I wanted the mare. "All right," he said. "All I need is a check and she's yours."
It is all thanks to my readers that this is happening. Without your generous donations, this might never have become a reality. Because of you guys, she is going to come home with me and be where she belongs. I don't know when Elvis' owners plan on sending her back, but when they do, all I have to do is show up at the ET facility with a trailer and a check, and I can take her on home.
And I'm thinking I finally have the perfect name for her.... Imogen. I haven't decided that 100%, but as with all my horses, the perfect name almost always just leaps randomly out at me from absolutely nowhere. I love it.