Monday, March 31, 2014

Happy Gotcha Day!

Thanks to everybody who offered encouragement about our super crap dressage. You inspired me so much that I got out and did another dressage ride today, and am thankful to report that I had a WAY better ride today. Also, to clarify about the "arena" - it's not actual an arena per se, it's just a section of our big field that is flat and has fence on 3 sides (a big square). I ride out there for the flatness and the fenceline, but even though it is an actual field, it may as well be an arena in her mind, simply due to the fact that she has seen it a million times and it is now very boring. Same old things every day = very boring for an active mind like hers.

 This is a short entry, since it is getting late and my sleepy self needs some bedtime, but I did want to say Happy Gotcha Day to my red demon! Exactly one year ago today, I drove out to McKinney, paid $510 dollars for her ($510 because that was the amount the lady needed to cover her son's latest dental bill), had a huge fight with her about how we really do need to load on the trailer, brought her home, bathed her super crusty muddy self, and turned her out with my little herd.

Dohhhh so cute. Immy is so pretty, I wish she would have worked out as my primary riding horse but that just wasn't in her plan. I really had zero intention of keeping O when I first got her - hell, she was so horribly behaved at first that I absolutely hated her for the first two weeks that I had her - but as time went on, it became pretty clear that she was not leaving!

Happy Gotcha Day, you red demon you! 


  1. Aww happy anniversary to you and O!

  2. Yay! Glad you two make such a great pair!

  3. Aww!! Happy Gotcha Day!!! I'm glad you took a chance on her. She's awesome and gorgeous! :D

  4. Happy Gotcha Day!! I'm so happy you two found one another!

  5. Happy Gotcha Day!! She is an extremely lucky horse to have found you :)

  6. The transformation you have achieved with her in 1 year is astounding and inspiring.
